My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Monday, October 17, 2005

More Trouble

Another potentially devastating storm is preparing to enter the Gulf of Mexico. It looks like Southeast Texas will be protected by the high pressure area that has brought us beautiful weather, but some place to the east of us will be in the path of Wilma. I am praying that there will be no more devastation such as we have seen with Katrina and Rita.

I think I have stood up fairly well through this ordeal, but for the first time I found myself shedding a few tears yesterday. It is wearing on me.


  • At 11:34 AM, Blogger momula said…

    Hi Sally,
    I can't believe the weather maps are showing another hurricane headed for the Gulf! Some days the world seems headed quickly for the apocalypse, doesn't it?
    We had 1 1/2 weeks of rain here in New England and while several areas flooded badly, the only aggravation I've encountered was 2 inches of water in my basement, and being stuck on the highway for 3 hours because it was flooded. I was quite vexed until I thought about the Katrina and Rita survivors, then I just had to draw on my patience.
    I read your blog every day, and have wanted to comment several times. Are you planning any new vacations? I look forward to reading about them.
    Yesterday my local newspaper started including the number puzzle that you've mentioned - Sudoku. It was labeled "easy," but I didn't try it, just read the directions and tried to figure some squares out in my head.
    Take care and hang in there!

  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Sally said…


    I am sorry to hear that you got water in your basement. I have been following the flooding in the northeast. It seems as though every part of the country has some peril.

    No new big vacation plans. I am concentrating my energy on moving away from the Gulf Coast to the Dallas area. Then I will be near DFW and can go anywhere in the world.



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