My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


The insurance adjuster did show up yesterday and made his inspection. He went up on my roof and confirmed that not one single shingle is damaged. I showed him all of the damage from water inside the house. He took pictures. He had several high-tech toys. He had a laser measuring device that he used to measure the bedrooms. I assume that is used to calculate painting costs. He also had a moisture meter that detected the presence of water in the walls and carpet. He said it would be a week to ten days before I hear back from the insurance company. Some of my neighbors are insured by State Farm. They are going ahead with repairs and just taking the receipts to their agents and are being reimbursed without even seeing an adjuster. It is going to be at least two weeks before I can have any work done because the man who is going to fix the sheetrock wants it to be completely dry. My damage is so minor I may not satisfy the deductible.

I am going to get my flu shot this afternoon and haircut tomorrow morning. L.L. Bean shipped my order yesterday via FedEx, and it is supposed to arrive on Friday. It will be reassuring if it arrives on schedule. The first class mail seems to be arriving without delay. The post office delivered on Monday which was the Columbus Day holiday for the rest of the country. They have not delivered any magazines or catalogs. The deposit I made under the tent at the Bank of America yesterday showed up online this morning. My life is slowly returning to normal.


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