My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dumb Me

Last spring I was very concerned with making arrangements so I would be able to pay for the new house. I filled out forms so I could transfer money from my brokerage company to my bank. Yesterday I tried to transfer the money from the house sale from the bank back to the brokerage company. Dumb me! I did not set up the paperwork to send money both directions. I called the brokerage company. The representative told me the fastest way to get the money back to them would be to go to their local office on Tuesday and write a check. That is a simple solution. I am so used to doing things online I have forgotten how to do things the old way. I will have to call the plumber on Tuesday and find out when they plan to be here. The brokerage company is open until 5 PM so I should be able to handle both chores. The only problem is I have to drive 12 miles to Plano.
I am finishing off the final loose ends and at last I can establish a normal way of living. I want to have some fun.


  • At 8:03 AM, Blogger Moobear said…

    I am so glad for you that things are getting finalized and you can get some normalcy in your new home and life. I know how hassling transferring funds is. I have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul. :) I just used my insurance money for the hosital to pay my dentist off, yes, those transfers are hectic! LOL,I am happy things are going well and I just love your fireplace and only dream I could have one like that cause that is where I would be most the time, have my pc nearby and I would be oh so happy. Hope you have a wonderful holiday Sally.I have enjoyed reading your blog for several years now. Take care my friend!


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