My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Little More Information

This morning I received an email from my new neighbor, who is scheduled to be the first one to close on their house in the cul-de-sac. She said the brick was completed on my house on Friday. So the brick was only two days old in the pictures that were taken yesterday. This couple sold their house two years ago and have been traveling in an RV. They are ready to settle down. I asked her to keep checking on the master bathroom window so I can let the shutter people know when the window is ready to be measured.
This week I will start getting my finances ready, have the Salvation Army remove the last items that I am going to donate, continue working on address changes and pack another box to take to the storage unit when I drive up to Frisco for closing. I am also going to call the realtor. We scheduled a meeting on August 25. She had mentioned having a photographer come out and take pictures of my house for the Internet. If we wait until the 25th, that will be too late. It is time to get things moving on the house sale.


  • At 6:59 AM, Blogger momula said…

    Hi Sally - Oh my goodness! There's so many tasks involved in building a new house and selling an old one, it's no wonder you feel overwhelmed sometimes. I think you're doing a great job staying organized and tackling things one at a time. The picture of your new house is great, and it's going to be a great reward for all of the work you're going through now.
    Best of luck to you, and I'll keep reading,

  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger Sally said…

    Hi Tricia,

    At last I learned your name. Your comments are forwarded to my email, but they always have a no-reply return email address. Adding a comment is the only way I can reply to you. On the profile page there is a way to send email to me. I would like to be able to reply directly. Take care.



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