My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Moving Forward

Yesterday I cleaned off the two large shelf units on the west side of the garage. All the shelves are empty and ready to be taken away. Now I have to disconnect the VCR that is still attached to the television that I am donating. I also have to unplug the freezer. At least the remaining tasks are small and are inside the house where it is cool.
I continued to work on address changes. I found that there is a Form 8822 to use for notifying the IRS of an address change. I don't remember using an official form to notify them before. Anyway all their forms are online in PDF format. They had one page of instructions filled with fine print for the one page form to change the address. Enough said.
I have been addicted to catalog shopping for years. When I move, it takes a while for the catalogs to find me again at the new address. I gathered a stack of catalogs from my favorites and started calling their 1-800 numbers. Maybe this time I won't be deprived of my catalogs for long.
Next week I am going to take the first step to getting the funds in my bank  to pay for the house. I am going to cash in some U.S. Savings Bonds. I was looking at them. They require you to sign and put your address on each one when they are cashed. I have 140 of them. Just thinking about signing my name and address 140 times is making my hand ache.


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