I Can Hardly Wait
My morning routine when I first wake up is to get a cup of coffee and then turn on my computer. I got a really nice surprise this morning when I checked my email. One of my new Frisco Lakes neighbors went by my house yesterday afternoon and took a few pictures of the house. This is the first time I have seen the landscaping. Better still is on the right side of the picture I see my mailbox. I can hardly wait to get away from the walk to the cluster mailboxes. I made the long walk to the mailbox twice yesterday in the hot, humid SE Texas sun. The mailman had not arrived. I gave up and will go check again this morning.
The realtor finally showed up last night. It was 8 PM when she left. All of the paperwork is signed. The For Sale sign is to be in place on September 11. I told her I wanted her to take a picture of the house with the sign in front of it and email it to me.
My Before Leaving Beaumont To Do list is getting rather short. I am making the final decisions on what to take up to Frisco in my car and what to leave for the packers to put in boxes.
At 7:34 AM, Moobear said…
I am so happy for you Sally. It seems like no time that you showed the picture of the stakes and a pile of dirt.I have been following you daily toward your move. It has gone well! Good luck with your move, I will thinking about you and looking forward to seeing you back blogging.
God Bless!
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