My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Frisco Lakes Club

Yesterday I received an update from the Frisco Lakes lifestyle director. She listed a new club that has been formed:
"Good Samaritan Group
This particular group would be just what the title indicates-serving others when they need our help.   We would have different sub-committees under this title such as:
Food Committee - This would involve taking food to someone when they are sick; had a death in their immediate family; or just home from the hospital.

Watching Home While on Vacation - This would include picking up the newspapers, watering outdoor plants, and getting mail daily while that family is gone.

Helping Someone With Furniture Moving - Just what the sub-title says, someone might need some extra help moving something in their home that might require more than one/two people.

Outdoor Work - This might be helping someone plant some bushes, or help digging the holes for the bushes, or setting up some lighting outdoors etc.

Taking Someone to Doctor/Hospital - If you get sick or just simply have a doctor's appointment and your spouse is not home, someone could take you to the doctor or hospital."


I think this is a wonderful idea. This type of support is something that is totally lacking where I live now. It really makes me feel good about my decision to move to Frisco Lakes. It will be so reassuring to know there is something like this available when I need help.



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