My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Don't Buy Stuff!

That is what I am telling myself. I am continuing the sorting and eliminating process. This week I went through the closet in the bedroom I call the den. The room is furnished with Ethan Allen cabinets and wall units. One unit is an office center. I eliminated my old ten-key electric adding machine, two Texas Instruments calculators that cost a small fortune way back when, a handheld CB radio and a large cassette tape recorder that was miraculously small and portable when new. I found several wooden puzzles, a Rubik's cube and several other puzzles that entertained me in the days before computers. I kept those. I also kept my Smith Corona electric portable typewriter even though I have not touched it in years. It is just too hard to part with some things. Tomorrow I am going through the unit that is called the sewing center. I haven't touched my sewing machine in years either.
My arm is healing but still looks terrible. I am glad that it is winter, and I can wear long sleeves.


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