My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Confirmation, Etc.

This week when I Google the terms: iTunes, Vista, RAID; many articles are listed detailing the problems that SATA drives in high-end computers are having when running video files in iTunes/Quicktime. It is now being reported in mainstream computer media such as PC World. Apple acknowledges the problem in their technical database but is pointing at SATA drives with Nvidia controllers. Nvidia apparently has posted a driver that supposedly fixed the problem. I then read a post about a user who installed the new driver and had drive failure with the new driver. As far as I can tell, my computer has an Intel SATA controller. Intel also acknowledges the problem but does not have a fix. I consider myself very fortunate that I found a discussion of this problem soon after I got my new computer and have not installed iTunes even though I consider it a hardship that I have been deprived of downloading podcasts since my old computer failed.
Windows automatic updates installed a fix on my computer on the 23rd that supposedly fixed the iTunes/iPod problem that can corrupt an iPod when disconnecting. My computer has been having problems establishing a WiFi connection and has other assorted problems that causes functions to hang since then. Vista is a work in progress and it is trying my patience.
I went on the day trip to Granbury yesterday. As usual when I go on an outing, it rained. That hampered my photography. I did not want to get my camera wet. The bus driver got lost a couple of times. The boat trip around Lake Granbury was very nice. The lunch that was served on the boat tasted very good, but I am afraid that it did not agree with me. The Granbury town square around the old county courthouse was typical of so many Texas towns. The square was lined with the usual array of shops selling antiques, crafts and food items. I just don't derive much pleasure from that type of shopping. Most women who go on the tours seem to like that sort of thing, but it is not my cup of tea. We saw a musical play at the Granbury Opera house. I did not like it. In fact it was absolute torture for me to sit through it. I found myself staring at my watch every time there was enough light for me to see it. The bus driver managed to find his way back to Frisco, and we arrived about fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. I got in my car and went home. There is no place like home.


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