My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Peeling An Onion

That is how my life has felt the past few days. Just when I think I am gaining control something else pops up. I went to the doctor on Wednesday. He went over the results of my blood work and tests from my previous visit. He told me I am boring. By that he meant that all my tests were so normal they were not of interest. I made the mistake of telling him about a minor complaint with my big toes feeling numb. He has referred me to a podiatrist and a cardiovascular specialist. I spent all Thursday morning on the phone trying to schedule appointments. One of the doctors has a new patient form online to be filled out and printed out. There were six pages of forms. The eye doctor in Plano sent me another set of forms to fill out and also a form to request my records from my previous doctor. I wrote a letter to the doctor and sent the forms to him. Those forms even had to have the signature of a witness. What is the world coming to?
The Ulti-Mate garage cabinet people answered my email and gave me the name of an authorized dealer/installer in Dallas. I went back to Sears to find out if they had an installer. The kid I talked to really did not know much. He gave me the phone number of the company that installs their garage door openers. It was a wasted trip. I found Sears' price for the cabinets is much lower than several of the online dealers. When I called the Dallas dealer. I asked him if his pricing was comparable to Sears. He told me that Sears gives the cabinets away. I then asked him if he would assemble and install the cabinets if I purchased them from Sears. I told him what I intended to buy. He was very familiar with the product line and knew what I was describing. He said he would do some calculations and call me back. He did call back and gave me a price which I consider to be reasonable. I told him I was going to watch for a sale at Sears and would call him back when I purchase the cabinets. It occurred me to me that I might call Sears at the number I use to obtain service on my appliances. I think it has options for other Sears services. I will do that today.
Dallas may get hit by an ice storm today. The warning has been extended to Monday morning. According to my wireless weather station the temperature is still above freezing. I stocked up on groceries and do not have to go out. I looked at the Beaumont weather report and a high of 74 is predicted for today. Being 300 miles to the north makes a big difference.


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