My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Telephone and Cable

Yesterday I called AT&T about transferring my telephone service. I have decided not to get one of their bundles with phone, TV and DSL. I decided to just transfer my existing phone service exactly as is to Frisco. I was surprised when I was actually given my new phone number. It has a 469 area code. I have also seen 214 and 972 area codes used in the Dallas area. I was told I could have a 972 area code for $10 more a month. It would allow me to call 469, 972 and 214 area codes toll free. I decided to save the $10 and stick with the 469 number. I can probably keep my toll calls to less than $10 month; and if not, I will use my cellphone. Right now my home phone rolls over to my cellphone if I do not answer by the fourth ring. I cancelled that feature for the Frisco phone because I will be charged long distance if a call rolls to my cellphone with its current number. After the move, I will get my cellphone number changed to a Dallas area code. Then I will have the rollover feature added back to my home phone. My Beaumont phone service will end on September 6 and the Frisco phone will be connected on September 8. The representative looked up my new address and told me it would be necessary for me to be present when the new service is started. They are scheduled to come to the new house between 8 AM and 12 noon on September 8.
Yesterday afternoon I looked at the Time Warner Dallas website again. I noticed they had added a feature for a live online chat. I have decided to do without TV and Internet until I can get cable and RoadRunner. You know the old saying about the squeaking wheel. I am going to squeak loud and often until Time Warner gets the idea I want cable service. The online chat was fun. The representative looked up my address and said he found it in their system with a request for new service. He said it was scheduled for September. That encouraged me. I asked if they would contact me; or if, I should keep calling. He answered both. I think I will call them back in a couple of days and give them my Frisco telephone number. Soon they will have the idea that the only way to stop my pestering is to install the cable.


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