My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Blood Pressure

I deleted what I wrote about my blood pressure earlier this morning. I was ready to rush out and buy a home blood pressure monitor. The high reading that I got at the dentist's office yesterday was gnawing on me. I did a little more digging on the Internet and found some articles that said how inaccurate home blood pressure monitors often are.
I have a neighbor who is a retired nurse. I know she had a blood pressure problem. I went down to her house and asked if she could measure my blood pressure. She has a professional, mercury based monitor. She took my blood pressure and it was 110 over 62. It was a relief to hear that. Ever since I was in my early twenties I have had problems with my blood pressure sky rocketing in the doctor's office. Medical procedures and Sally don't get along too well.


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