My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Another week has gone by, and I did not accomplish very much. The rain slowed me down for several days. The house was so dark during the rainy period that I did not like feel doing any of the cleaning chores. I cancelled a doctor's appointment on Monday morning because I was afraid of getting trapped by flooded streets. The appointment is rescheduled for August 17. The rain finally let up, and I was able to keep my hair appointment on Thursday. Yesterday I went to Sam's Club and now am stocked up for a while.
This morning I emailed an alarm monitoring company in Dallas named Smith Thompson. I have read good things about them. Del Webb is having a company named Ranger American install the alarm system. Del Webb tells me I will void the warranty if I have someone else monitor the system. I have read on the Frisco Online forum that Smith Thompson may provide their own warranty. I hope I can work something out.
Time Warner is taking over the cable system in the Frisco area starting Monday. I am going to contact them and see if I can get more information on when cable service will be available in Frisco Lakes. I hope a miracle happens, and they are there when I move in. I just do not like the idea of having a satellite dish installed on my roof. I read that the RoadRunner email address for the north Dallas area is going to take the format The reasoning for that is more obvious than my current RoadRunner email address Most people do not know that "gt" stands for Golden Triangle which includes Beaumont, Port Arthur, Orange and several smaller towns in the area.
When I was in Frisco, I found out that grab bars could be installed in the bathrooms. My sales associate told me they would be installed as an option only if they were a medical necessity and they required a note from your doctor so stating. I thought about this for awhile and decided that because I have low bone density and take Actonel I could use this as my reason. I felt silly calling my doctor's office and asking for the note. My doctor's nurse said that my request was quite reasonable. He said that I would not believe the things people request. Anyway I got my note and sent it on to my sales associate. You have to be 55 years old to purchase a house in Frisco Lakes. Considering the age of the homeowners I think grab bars should be standard in all the homes. I do not appreciate having to jump through hoops to get one. I do have to pay extra for it.


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