My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Computers - Grrrr!!!

I thought changing my address on the Internet was going to be a breeze - WRONG. First of all there is one investment company where I sold all the stock in my account back in March. I can no longer log on, but they need my new address to send the final 1099. I made a phone call and took care of it--not so bad. I then changed four addresses online with no problem. Great! Then the trouble started.
I tried to change my American Automobile Association address online. It could not verify the brand new street. I called the AAA and took care of it. I then found the website for my college sorority. I had never logged onto the site before. I could not figure out how to register. Finally I put in my member number without a password and it let me log on. Some security. Then I tried to update my personal information and this computer balked at the new address. I found a place to send an email to national headquarters. I gave them the new address and asked how to get a password.
Then I met my Waterloo. I went to the AARP website. The computer did not like my new address. There was a 1-800 number in a sidebar that you are supposed to call if you are having difficulty. I called and an automated system gave a 1-888 number to call for address changes. I called and got tangled up with an automated system. As I was screaming my new address for the fourth time, a human being came on the line. I said thank goodness. I explained my problem. She took my information and her computer would not accept it. I asked her if she had a way to over ride it. She called her supervisor over and was instructed to call Florida. I was put on hold. She finally returned and said she was now able to make the change. Well she wasn't. Finally with more assistance she made the change.
I am going to work on something else. I can't face another address change today. Back in 1987 I made a database on my pc with all the people who needed my new address. I prepared a form letter and let the computer print out a stack of letters and labels. I then stuck stamps on the letters and mailed them. That was much simpler.


  • At 11:15 AM, Blogger Sandy said…

    My personal experience with moving last February was that no one reads those address changes on the bills. It took me 7 tries..including snail mail, computer and phone to get Exxon-Mobil to stop sending my bill to Texas. I finally told them that if it happened one more time, I would never buy Exxon-Mobil again. I think it worked this time.


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