My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Back from Georgetown

I arrived back in Beaumont yesterday from Sun City Texas. It was a very worthwhile trip in that I learned a quite a few things about the Del Webb communities that I did not know. Some of the things are positive, and several are negative. I do not think I would want to live at Sun City Texas, but I am still interested in the new community at Frisco Lakes.

One of the things I consider negative about Sun City Texas is that the place is inhabited by deer. There are big herds of them. They walk right into the yards of the homes. I first saw one when I looked out the window of one of the model homes. I was able to walk very close to it and take a flash photo. The flash did not phase the deer. The next morning I saw one that had been hit by a car on one of the main streets. When I left the model homes, there was one standing at the curb at a crosswalk ready to cross the street. I stopped and waited for it to move. It just stood there. I finally eased my car forward, and it stepped back. I have never seen anything like this. I would not want to have the deer for neighbors.

I have not uploaded my pictures to Smugmug. I will write more about the pluses and minuses of Sun City Texas after I get my thoughts sorted.


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