My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Slowed Down

Tuesday I went to the Red Hat Society meeting at the village center. The Queen Bee is going to be a close neighbor. We discussed places to go for future meetings. I think I am going to enjoy this group. I like the idea of a group that has no purpose other than to have fun. I went home and found the Red Hat Society website and joined. This morning I was looking at the websites that sell Red Hat clothing. Then went to LL Bean and typed in "Purple shirt" in the search field. It came back with several items. I found a purple tee that was on sale. It is a cotton modal blend which is the same as my travel clothes. I think it is a great fabric. I can wear the purple tee with my black pants and not feel too foolish.
Tuesday evening I did not go to the presentation on the Frisco water situation because severe weather threatened. It was I a good thing I didn't go out because an hour later I started to feel ill. Little did I know I was going to have one of the most miserable nights of my life. It has been years and years, if not ever, since I was so sick. I spent a good part of yesterday sleeping. This morning I resumed my normal activities, but I don't seem to be moving as fast as usual.
I went to the new Wal-Mart. The roads around the store are a detriment to my going there. I had read on the Frisco Online forum that the store has the upscale format that Wal-Mart introduced in the Park and tollway store in Plano. There were some nice features in the store. There is an expanded book department. The employees were dressed in khaki with navy shirts instead of the usual blue Wal-Mart vests. I did not find several items on my list. I was a little miffed when the checker overloaded my bags and one of them tore when I was putting my purchases in the car. She must have been instructed to save Wal-Mart's money and be stingy with the bags.
I then went to the Home Depot and Sam's Club on Ohio Dr. Those stores are farther away, but I feel like I can get more accomplished with the stores being grouped close together. I came back home and placed an order with for the things I could not find while out shopping. It is so much easier to shop online instead of driving and driving and then walking and walking. I also ordered a new pair of sandals that I had seen in a catalog. offers free shipping. The catalog wanted $9.95 for shipping. I did a little Google search and found a Shoemall code that allowed me to save an additional ten percent. It always feels good to save money.
I checked yesterday and found that the checks I mailed to the IRS last week have cleared my bank. It is a relief to know that my payments got there. One year I wondered why my check had not been cashed. I finally got a letter from the IRS that said my payment had not been enclosed, and they charged me a penalty. I even had a scanned image of the check I had sent. It was no use. I paid the penalty.


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