My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Polish Your Resume Boys!

You’re gonna need them! That message is directed to the Republican members of Congress who voted for the so-called Medicare prescription coverage. I have been hearing in the news that seniors are confused about the multiple plans being offered and only twenty percent of them plan to sign up. Well, I have not been paying very much attention to the prescription program. My former employer offers prescription coverage, and I have been occupied with hurricanes and thoughts of relocating away from the Gulf Coast. This week I entered the ranks of the confused when I saw what my former employer is offering. I stayed in the confused state for about 24 hours. I did a little research on the internet and now my confusion has cleared.

There are three groups who will benefit from the Medicare prescription program:

1. Insurance companies
2. Pharmaceutical companies
3. Employers who continue to provide prescription coverage to their retirees

Notice that I did not include Medicare beneficiaries in the list of those benefiting from the program. What the government will spend for prescription coverage is well hidden in subsidies to the insurance companies and employers. The law specifically prohibits Medicare from negotiating prices for prescription drugs. Seniors are stuck with additional premiums and a multitude of incomprehensible plans from which to choose. They also get the “donut hole”. Now I find my employer has added a donut hole to my prescription coverage that was not there before but is claiming to keep the coverage the same. I will be making more phone calls tomorrow.

When the confusion clears for most seniors, and they realize how they have been scammed, and their middle-age children who are planning for their retirements see the results of this program there are going to be major changes. Only the most hardcore, right-wing morons could like this program.


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