My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Defensive Driving Completed

One more unpleasant task is checked off of my “To Do” list. I arrived at the classroom a half hour early yesterday morning. In the past I have seen the classroom fill up and people turned away. This time was different. Only 15 people took the class and there was room for 50. A nice lady sat beside me. She asked me where I live. It turned out she lives on the same street I do. I was the only one in the class who was taking the course in order to get a discount on auto insurance. The rest of the people had received traffic citations. The instructor was a very large man. He said he weighed over 400 pounds when he introduced himself. He called himself a Christian comedian. He works for radio stations and puts on comedy programs at churches in the Houston to Louisiana areas. This was not like any defensive driving course I had taken in the past. He told jokes for the whole day. A few of them were funny. The new Ryan’s had a good buffet lunch. In spite of the food and entertainment it was still a very long day and the chair was very hard. I left with my little certificate of completion which I will promptly mail to the insurance company. I do not have to endure this course again for another three years.


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