My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Drudge Report and the Beaumont Wal-Mart

Beaumont received a black eye yesterday. The Black Friday shoppers at Wal-Mart started pushing and shoving to get a limited number of notebook computers. An off-duty policeman used pepper spray on them. This morning the story is mentioned in the Drudge Report. It has a link to the KBTV report: Early Morning Shoppers Pepper Sprayed At Beaumont Wal-Mart. I watched the KFDM news last night, and it showed a young mother and her one-month old baby, who she said inhaled the pepper spray. I think this whole episode is disgusting, and this is why I do not shop on Black Friday.


  • At 4:35 PM, Blogger Barbara In Caneyhead said…

    Oh, that sickens me to hear there was trouble so close to home! I had seen stories of the madness when I signed on AOL yesterday. Prompted me to comment at my AOL Journal:


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