My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

New Apple iPod

Apple has a couple of new models of the iPod. I have not been interested in downloading music and owning an iPod. Now I have found a couple of reasons that have made me think about buying an iPod. The iPod with a camera connector adapter can be used to store and display photos. The iPod is the cheapest device than I have found that can be used to transfer pictures from a camera. This is useful when traveling and the camera’s memory cards are full. There are better devices than the iPod for this purpose, but they cost more. Other devices such as the Epson P-2000 allow you to insert the memory card directly into the device. The iPod requires you to use a USB cable from the camera to the adapter. I have read that this rapidly depletes the camera’s battery. The iPod’s display is not as good as the Epson’s, but the iPod has a capability that may tilt in its favor.

I am now becoming interested in Podcasts. All kinds of amateur radio programs, are available for download, and now the big commercial networks are entering the field. There is new technology called RSS, that I do not thoroughly understand, that allows you to subscribe to direct feeds. It makes the updating of the Podcasts automatic.

I have put the new 20 GB iPod on my Pricegrabber shopping list. I noticed this morning that is now carrying the new model and has the lowest price. I expect the price to drop a little more.


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