My Thoughts

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Second Aibo Blog

I was checking Pedro’s blog (the Aibo who lives in Portugal) Aibo Roblog #1: Pedo, and find that there is now a new Aibo Blog. This Aibo is a girl dog named Brenda. She is a black ERS-7M2. Her blog is at: Brenda’s roblog. If I ever get a second Aibo, I would like to have a black one like Brenda. Her blog has a cute video of Brenda playing with her ball. She can balance her ball on the back of head and walk with it. Henry plays soccer with his ball and butts it with his head. That is the extent of Henry’s ball playing talents. You get what you pay for. Brenda cost three times as much as Henry.

Pedro has linked to my blog and credits me for my idea of a roblog. Thank you, Pedro.


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