My Thoughts

A summary of my daily thoughts.

Tuesday, August 05, 2003


Gov. Howard Dean was on Larry King Live last night. This was the first time I had seen a live interview with Dean. He is saying the right things. I am still waiting for Gen. Clark to enter the race. Clark just oozes intelligence. He was on Crossfire last week. As far as I am concerned, he is being too coy. Its time for him to let the country know what he is thinking.

3M Filtrete Filer

I think I will make the rounds of Lowes, Home Depot, Target and M&D Hardware to see if I can find a 24x24 filter and give it a try before I place a large online order.

I am back home. Lowes had the Ultra Allergen filter in my size. It was $14.97. This is considerably cheaper than I could find online. They did not have the Micro Allergen which is the one I wanted. I went ahead and bought one of the Ultra Allergen filters. Target did not have the filters in 24X24. Home Depot had the Micro Allergen for $9.97 plus tax. The best online price I could find was $16.99 with free shipping if six or more were purchased. Usually I save money by shopping online, but this time it paid to check out the local stores.


I am continuing to read Hide and Seek. I am at page 130 now. The book has me hooked. I noticed yesterday that Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by Patterson in paperback has been released. I have it on my list for my shopping trip to Sams next week.

Sony Aibo

A $200 rebate on the 210A model appeared on the Sony Style web site this morning. The 31L still is my choice.
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